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The French Pig Dispatch

If you like Wes Anderson, then you know this blog title is bordering 😬 close to his film "The French Dispatch." I love all WA films, but this recent one reminded me how powerful storytelling is... and it gave me an idea.

I'm currently working on some heartfelt creative projects. They feel right, and at the same time I still want to make progress on sharing Beefy Parisian Pig's story.

It was the fall of 2016 when I went to France to write his story in France in French.

I did learn his story while there. It was such a deeply meaningful experience to learn about truffle pigs and truffles. Since then, I've illustrated some of the pages but that's been it.

Recently, as I've been reading some of my favorite blogs an idea came to me. I could share Beefy's story that way... through a blog.

One eureka I've experienced is to keep staying in touch with what creativity brings me joy and NOT let the process of how I will share it or sell it get me down or discouraged.

Hence, I will be sharing Beefy's story in the future via this blog. Not all blogs will be about Beefy's story.

If you want to follow Beefy, just watch for the blogs titled "The French Pig Dispatch."

Wanda Petunia met Beefy Parisian Pig in Paris, at the end of her first story. This is chronicled in the book "Love catches up with Wanda Petunia." Beefy has a poignant story. His journey explores about generational trauma, grief, friendship, and hope.

If you want to learn more about Beefy, stay tuned for "The French Pig Dispatch" >> À bientôt!


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